Inspiration story of soichiro honda

How does somebody go through so many difficulties and steel keep progressing. It is said what is the difference between those who are successful and, those who are failures those who succeed, they failed 10 times, but they continue and succeed in the 11th attempt. Those who are failure give up after 5 defeats. I will give example of 'Mr soichiro Honda'.
The founder of the world wide Honda automobile and, he was born in Japan not with the proverbial golden spoon in his mouth. Rather he was born in a lower middle class family, but he had this inspiration burning in him to do something that would make a difference. So he went to Engineering school. He design a prototype for Piston rings. He went and presented it to Toyota as a superior design. They rejected it. He was inspired. He made another design when he presented it, it got selected. SO, Toyota give him an order and they extended him the capital to setup his factory for piston rings. When he got his factory all done, there was an earthquake. The factory collapsed. He said, "never mind we will make it again second time". He was about to make it Japan enter into the Second World War. Cement become in short supply. He said, "never mind". He found a new way to make cement and with the help of that he setup his factory. however, by that time America entered the war. They Bomber his factory as they were bombing Japan.
His factory went down once again. He was still inspire,  he said, "never mind". He was Unstoppable. In those days planes were different. Ones the fuel was used to lighten the plane they would throw the gasoline tank. The ground was full of gasoline tank. He said, "let use this gasoline tank to make the factory again". He called him a gift from Mr Truman. He setup this factory for the third time by then. Japan had lost the war fuel was now in short supply people did not have the fuel to drive toyota cars. What will Toyota manufacture, and why will they use his Piston rings. His factory was ready, but there was no order for piston rings. What to do? He was riding his bicycle one day. He got the brain wave, he set a motor into his bicycle. It was the first motorcycle. When he drive around the neighbourhood his friend look at it and said, "can you do that for me as well". When he made 20 motorcycle for the neighbourhood people. He thought he had marketable Idea he did not have the money to establish motorcycle industry, but look his inspiration says "no difficulty is too big". He got a list of 8000 bicycle stockist of Japan.
The hand wrote note of 5000 of them. 1800 responded extending a little little bit of capital with the help of this he shut up his motorcycle factory. The first contraption he made, the first motorcycle was very big and it was a failure. So he said, "never mind I will try it once again". He made a smaller model it was called the Super Cup and it was an immediate success, after that there was no looking back in his time. Honda Corporation employed of 100, 000 people worldwide and now it has gone even beyond.
So then the key, ingredient for success is the inspiration, the enthusiasm. This quality of inspiration is also the key ingredient for success On The Spiritual journey of life transformation, of making yourself a better person. 


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